5 Things to Expect From myTEFL TEFL Training

So, you’re thinking of embarking on TEFL training. Great choice! This could be a life-changing decision, one that sees you hopping from Thailand to Colombia to China and beyond, all while helping communities and making good money. But before we get carried away, let’s take a look at just a few of the things you can expect when choosing a course with myTEFL.

5 things to expect from my TEFL training

In-depth grammar training

We know that loads of would-be native speakers struggle with the concept of grammar. So, if you don’t know your sub clauses from your past participles, don’t panic! The reality is that technical grammar simply isn’t taught in schools across the US, the UK and Canada. It’s usually brushed over in favour of textual analysis and creative writing and whatnot.

That’s not necessarily a bad thing. After all, you do know the grammar because you use it every day. What you might need from that TEFL training is the jargon and the confidence to teach it from an academic standpoint. Cue our trio of modules. They run through all the major aspects of grammatical speaking, starting with form and meaning and ending with modal verbs and verb types.

Lesson planning

One common mistake that aspiring teachers make is to go thinking that TEFL is all about the hour you’re actually in the classroom. It really isn’t. That’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Ask any veteran and they’ll tell you that the bulk of the hard work is in the planning stage. It’s the point where you really put in the effort so that your sessions run smoothly.

There are also loads of well-honed ways to do lesson planning. We’ll deal with them in two separate modules of our 120-hour TEFL training. They reveal how you can use a variety of media and materials in the workplace to aid learning, and show how to pre-plan your whole teaching curriculum for the full term.

5 things to expect from my TEFL training


The fear of the naughty child has long been the bogey man of the start-out teacher. Whether it’s flying pencils or just a flat-out refusal to do homework, there’s nothing that can sap the confidence more than a student that just won’t budge.

The solution to all that is proper classroom management. You’ll get top-quality training in that in a whole dedicated module of a 120-hour pro course. It’ll run through the best ways to neutralise awkward pupils, but also help you optimize the power of your teaching through mingling mixed-skilled learners together in creative ways.

On-demand support

We take support very seriously. If we say we’ll be there, we’ll be there. Just open up the messenger, drop us an email, or even pick up the phone. If you’re ever stuck on your modules or having technical issues, there will be someone at hand ready and waiting to iron it all out.

But we also like to think that our support goes further than that. Our tutors are committed to offering personalized feedback to all, both throughout and at the end of studies. That means we’ll try to hone in on the points of your TEFL training that we feel might need the most work, helping you reach your full potential.

5 things to expect from my TEFL training

Job placement assistance forever!

TEFL training doesn’t end once you complete that 120-hour set of modules and fold up the laptop for the last time. Not a chance. This is a lifetime learning curve and a career journey that could see you exploring the whole planet. That’s why we give our grads access to an open-ended job placements service to use whenever you like.

You just need to get in touch and we’ll have a little think about what positions are available where. Any openings in schools or destinations that we think match your strengths and qualifications will be communicated to you directly. Easy.

If you have any more questions about the sort of things to expect from your TEFL training, be sure to get in touch today. Alternatively, feel free to ask in the comments below…

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