Teaching English online and how it can help you see the world

While the flying cars and whirring teleporters of sci-fi films circa 1984 might not have come to fruition just yet, it’s fair to say that the world has changed in oodles of ways in the last couple of decades. One huge shift has come in the workplace. Gone are the days of the office space; for the rise of the digital nomad is nigh. The same goes for the foreign language industry, with more and more folk now opting to use their TEFL qualification teaching English online rather than in a physical classroom. 


If you’re interested in following suit, then be sure to read this guide to going digital with your lessons. It’s got a lowdown of how to get started, what you can expect from it all, and how teaching English online can help you see the world. Enjoy…


Online TEFL
Teach from wherever you want in the world with online TEFL | © Crabs Move Sideways


What you need to start teaching English online


Actually, not much! It’s one of the real bonuses of going digital that the necessary starting point is relatively low. A TEFL or TESOL is an obvious one, and we recommend bagging a 120-hour online course to cover all the bases. When it comes to a BA, a majority of agencies will require that you’ve completed one but it’s really down to the discretion of individual employers. Still, we say it’s best that it’s done and dusted before you start applying. All those good to go? Then so are you.


How to search for online teaching jobs


There are loads of ways to seek out positions to teach English online. The best and most reliable is to contact your TEFL course provider. MyTEFL helps to put would-be digital teachers in contact with the best web agencies, offering ongoing support and free training to get you started on the system. Doing it that way ensures you’re only ever working for tested employers, that your invoices are paid at the end of the month, and that you’re never stuck for somewhere to turn to if you need advice.


Of course, you can also seek out potential employers on your own or via third parties. Doing it like that means you can get adventurous and creative with your applications and job searches. You’ll probably be surprised at just how many potential jobs teaching English online you discover, and just how many resources there are out there to help you bag them.


Online TEFL
Steven Digital Nomad | © Steven Zwerink/Flickr


What are the hours like?


Being the boss of your own teaching schedule is one of the real bonuses of teaching English online. Not only are you able to set your availability week to week but you can also limit your contact hours to whatever it is you feel comfortable with. That could be anything from 7.5 hours a week to over 30, making this digital mode of tutoring a great way to dip your toe in and test out the world of EFL before you really dive in.


online TEFL
Poros beaches | © Crabs Move Sideways


What’s the deal with online teaching? And can I see the world with it?


Teaching English online means exactly that: Teaching English online. There’s no need for you to agonize over that next TEFL destination; no need for you to seek out a new flat in new city; no need for you to up sticks and head across the globe. All you need to start broadcasting your know-how of gerunds and nouns is a good internet connection, a laptop and all the necessary qualifications. Of course, we’re not saying you can’t travel while teaching online, only that you don’t have to. So long as your linked to the interwebs, your next office could be a Greek beach or a working cafe in Budapest, a Balinese villa or a stretch of tropical sand. See why everyone’s so interested now?


What’s the pay like?


Darn good to say the least! Once you get going, you can expect to rake in around $10-$23 USD/hour. Of course, the amount you earn each month will depend directly on how many hours you take and how full your overall schedule is. That part is totally up to you.



Are you interested in switching to the cyber world of teaching English online in 2018? If so, be sure to get in touch or head over to our online TEFL page.

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