How to teach English online to adults

So, you want to teach English online to adults? You’ve come to the right place. This guide will run through a few things that you need to know before you get started as a remote teacher with the older generation. It’s not all that different to teaching online to kids, but there are a few nuances and things to remember. We’ll also talk about what qualifications you’ll need and the various sorts of jobs out there for those looking to tutor more mature EFL learners…

What you need to teach English online to adults

How to teach English online to adults

The requirements for teaching English online to adults are pretty similar to the requirements to teach online to kids. Most employers ask for at least a 120-hour TEFL course, though we’ve got a tailor-made 140-hour course that specialises in online work and could help you stand out from the crowd. Some schools will also ask for a BA degree, but lots prioritize previous teaching experience, especially if you’re looking to break into business English tuition. You don’t have to be a native speaker, but native-level English is needed.

  • What sorts of jobs can you get to teach English online to adults?

There are two main sectors in the online EFL market for those looking to teach adults. One sees you working with people who want to increase their conversational skills and sound more ‘natural’ as an English speaker. The other is in the corporate world.

  • Conversational – The priority here is on increasing fluency and sounding natural, which is why most adult students looking for conversational classes will be after a native speaker.
  • Business English – Companies often encourage their employees to up their English skills, and it’s something that’s increasingly done online since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

Preparation is key

How to teach English online to adults

While a lot of online teaching platforms offer interactive materials to engage younger learners, that’s not so common when you come to teach English online to adults. You’re likely going to have to do a lot of the planning yourself, or otherwise risk looking underprepared. The good news is that the internet makes it pretty easy to find materials to work off, particularly if you’re running conversational lessons. A simple YouTube search can throw out plenty of video source material to discuss, there are news outlets all over, and plenty of sites with technical grammar worksheets and whatnot.

Find out learning goals from the beginning

A very important step when you come to teach English online to adults is to discover what the student wants to gain from his or her studies. While kids are mostly learning English for the sake of it, or because it’s a part of their school curriculum, older folk often have a specific goal in mind. That could be as simple as a desire to learn less-textbook English through conversational lessons. Or they might be trying to nail a particular exam or business English professional qualification. Always find out what the endgame is before you start teaching and try to home in on that during your sessions. That’s what will add real value to the course for your student.

Don’t shy away of conversation

How to teach English online to adults

Adult learners are adults. That might seem like an obvious thing to say, but the point is that these students are going to be much more on your level. They’ll be able to discuss things like film, art, music, politics (although that one might be better avoided). That means it should be easier to get that all-important Student Talk Time (STT) a-flowing. In fact, it’s very common for adult students to veer off on tangents of chat with their teachers. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, so long as you can harness that to expand vocabulary or grammar, and aren’t simply talking at the expense of those learning goals.

This guide to teaching English online to adults could be your steppingstone into a whole new career of remote work and travel. Check out our 140-hour Master Course if you’re interested. Alternatively, feel free to ask for any extra info in the comments below.

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