With my days of tense teaching and pronunciation lecturing firmly in the past, it’s now perhaps somewhat okay for me to reveal the honesties of the classroom I once ran.…

With my days of tense teaching and pronunciation lecturing firmly in the past, it’s now perhaps somewhat okay for me to reveal the honesties of the classroom I once ran.…
So-called ‘active’ learning has long been vogue on the TEFL scene. But what does it mean? It essentially means getting your students fully engaged with the classroom experience, to have…
The prospect of teaching English to kids can strike fear into the hearts of many a recent TEFL graduate. But it needn’t be so scary. There are ways you can…
When you’re struggling to curtail the Bs on the end of ‘bomb’ or wrestling with students who can’t see the difference between ‘mud’, ‘blood’, and ‘flood’, it might just be…
Whether it’s tips from colleagues or contract negotiations, the minutiae of language teaching can be daunting. Here are 11 things I wish I knew about TEFL before starting โ a…
When most people think of that first EFL job, they often think of destinations like Thailand and China, Vietnam or Europe. But there’s also room to think outside of the…
And so there dawns a new TEFL year. While the haze of all of 2017’s gerunds and past participles and late-night Chang beers or Vietnamese pho is still sitting…
From project management systems with intelligent calendar reminders to Cloud-based backup spaces that keep you from ever losing track of another lesson schedule again, these nifty TEFL planning tools could…
With the start of TEFL term just around the corner in many a country across the globe, we thought it might be a good idea to lay out all the…
The art of TEFL lesson planning is something that all new teachers will need to get used to. No matter if you’re heading off to Thailand to take classes of…